Sunday, May 16, 2010

850 Glove Box

The glove box in Jacq's car broke about a month or two after we bought the car. It's repair was on my list now for six months (?) or so. I didn't worry about it because the glove box was closed and it looked OK closed. But while the car was in the shop last week, the wheels needed to be removed and the special lug nut wrench was inside the glove box. We told them to go ahead and hack the latch to get the door open and retrieve the special tool. This would have been a real pickle had she been on a trip and gotten a flat. Anyway - got around to fixing it today.

The pin in the circle had broken off.

Broken pin that I pulled out. This part is just cast and is not very strong.

A couple quick measurements and I came up with a game plan. The latch that was hacked out has the same (close enough) diameter as this pin. I drilled out the location of the broken pin then pressed in a section of the latch wire cut to size. The extra length to the right is not a problem as there is nothing there anyway.

I ordered a replacement latch from for about $6.00 that should be here later in the week sometime and the project will be finished.

1 comment:

  1. Yaay, it won't look like somebody stole my glovebox anymore!
